
This article presents the results obtained on the development of software pseudo-random sequence generators for QS simulation in the GPSS WORLD discrete-event simulation system with hyper-Erlang (HE2) and hyper-exponential (H2) input distributions. Data in this subject area, neither in foreign nor in domestic scientific literature, were found by the authors. There are no such generators in the GPSS WORLD library either. It is known that the distributions of HE2 and H2 are the most general and provide a large range of the coefficient of variation. The latter play an important role in estimating the delay of requests in the queue in queuing systems, since the average queue delay is directly proportional to their squares. For the distributions of HE2 and H2, the authors previously obtained numerical-analytical results based on the method of spectral solution of the Lindley integral equation. The article presents the obtained algorithms and programs on GPSS WORLD to simulate the functioning of the QS with the specified input distributions. The adequacy of the obtained results was confirmed by comparing the simulation results with the results of numerical simulation in the Mathcad environment. The authors hope that the presented results will be in demand by specialists in the field of simulation modeling in the GPSS WORLD environment.

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