
Introduction. The rapid implementation of administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine requires the search for new effective tools to increase the economic and social efficiency of united territorial communities. Given that the main factor in the successful economic activity of a legal entity is an effective marketing policy, we hypothesized that the formation of the economic system of UTC should take place on the basis of marketing with brand development in this area. In such circumstances, there is a need to define the nature and relationship between the marketing of the territory and the territorial brand. Goal. The purpose of this article is to determine the systemic relationships that take place in the brand formation of a united territorial community on the basis of and using the tools of innovative territorial marketing. Method. The following methods were used during the research: abstract-logical, monographic, generalization, system analysis and synthesis. Results. Theoretical bases of territorial marketing development in the united territorial communities are improved and forms of their realization are defined. It is proved that territorial marketing is a full-fledged system of actions of public authorities and local governments, interested individuals and legal entities to identify and promote unique and demanded in the external environment advantages of a region, which allows to create attractiveness and prestige of this territory and its resources. The methodological basis of interdependent relations in building a brand of a separate territory on the basis of marketing is formed. The strategic directions of activity of local self-government bodies at development of a competitive brand are substantiated. Brand filling matrices with key influencing factors are constructed. Keywords: united territorial community, territorial marketing, territory brand, tourism.

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