
This article considers the major problems of innovative activity ensuring the economic growth of Tajikistan Republic. It depicts the methods of the state’s innovative policy which refl the development of innovative activity. The article emphasizes the importance of the state’s innovative policy in creating the favorable economic and legal climate, as well as in embodiment the results of intellectual and innovative activity. An additional point is that the state’s innovative policy contributes to creating the infrastructure of national innovative system. The state of enterprises’ innovative capacity, scientifi and human resources and the tempo of accomplishing the scientifi and technical projects are analyzed here on the basis of the statistic data. The state’s role in the development of enterprises’ innovative activity is noted here. The measures on supporting the innovative business, as well as the principles of public and private partnership in innovative sphere are introduced. The main reasons which hinder the development of innovative activity in national economy are investigated. The factors suppressing the innovative investment in Tajikistan Republic are detected. Different mechanisms of supporting the business entities innovative activity are suggested. The main points of state programs in the field of boosting the innovative activity are considered. The expedience of forming Innovative Activity Support and Development Unit is scientifi ally proved. The role of introducing the benefi tax regime for enterprises carrying out innovative projects is particularly highlighted. The participation of insurance system compensating the possible risks and losses in the process of forming and developing the innovative activity is suggested. The survey disclosing the problems of innovative activity has been conducted among the representatives of small and medium businesses.The necessary measures of stimulating the innovative activity in Tajikistan Republic are suggested, among them are the following: public and private co-funding the innovative projects, tax remissions of the enterprises carrying out innovative projects, wide applying the methods of accelerating tangible and intangible consumption, forming the system of public and private research and technological developments insurance. As well as the state support of insurance companies compensating the credit risks connected with innovative socialization and commercialization etc.

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