
Abstract. Purpose. Analysis and assessment of sorghum sown areas, yields and gross collection in general for Russia and the Samara region. Research is based on methods of efficient production of sorghum and biological features of culture. Statistics were compiled and data on sorghum sowing areas in Russia as a whole were processed for the period 1990–2018. Results and scope of application. Data on sorghum areas and gross collection in Russia as a whole are given. Thus for the period 2015–2016, the area under sorghum was record-breaking and amounted to 224.2 and 228.7 thousand hectares, compared to 1990 when the area was 67.3 thousand hectares. The main region in Russia for the largest area of sorghum was – Saratov region, where it was sown according to the data for 2018 – 26.4 thousand hectares, or 37.1 % of the total share of sown area of sorghum. In the Samara region, the area under sorghum was within 4.0 thousand hectares and 5.5 % of the total share. In 2018, sorghum production amounted to 49 thousand tons. Sorghum yields in Russia in 2018 averaged 11 c/ha. In the Samara region it was – 18.3 c/ha. Scientific novelty lies in the field of sorghum seed production in the Samara region. Sugar and grain sorghum crops can be a reliable source of increased production of juicy and green feed. Those with high potential yield and grain quality differ in grain sorghum varieties – Premyera, Slavyanka, Ros’ and Kinel’skoye 63, created in Volga Research Institute for Breeding and Seed Breeding – Branch of Samara Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences.

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