
The article deals with modern approaches to the training of future specialists in the preschool branch of education. Integration is one of the effective ways to update content and teaching methods in modern higher education institutions. It is determined that domestic methodologists define integration as a process of rapprochement and combination of different educational subjects. In the practice of domestic education, this idea is not new. K. Ushinsky was the first one to take advantage of it combining the simultaneous formation of two most important types of skills - reading and writing in his literacy training courses. It is noted that the principle of synchronous education of first-graders to read and write has not lost its relevance in our time. The modern elementary mathematics courseis also integrated. It combines elementary information from arithmetic, algebra and geometry. The article shows that integration as a principle of education is more fully implemented in the process of preparing preschoolers and junior pupils. It is determined that its advantages in the process of preparation of the future specialist of the preschool education branch are indisputable, since its work will be related to the constant integration of various types of educational and disciplinary work. That is why the issue of an integrated approach to specialists’ training in a pedagogical institution of higher education is relevant. Pre-school education needs specialists of a new level, due to a range of social problems that reduce the status of preschool workers. This is explained by a number of reasons: low wages, difficult working conditions (children of the younger group are children of the age of 1.5 years, who are poorly informed about elementary hygiene skills, day mode, etiquette formulas, and rules of conduct), oversaturation of groups, a large amount of reporting documentation, etc. The imperfection of a pre-school educational establishments’ network also expressed in a higher (per child) expenditures to pre-school education compared with general secondary education, which does not correlate with best international practice. The article presents the advantages of an integrated approach to education, which is the key to the effective preparation of future specialists in the pre-school branch of education. Key words : integration, branch, education, preschoolers, cycle, academic discipline, student, specialist.

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