
The article presents the results of the institution’s research work obtained in 2023. Research is focused on solving problems: accelerated creation of new varieties of horticultural crops based on the mobilization of bioresource collections using molecular genetic methods and digital technologies; ensuring environmental and economic sustainability and optimal productivity of perennial agrocenoses, as well as the quality and safety of preserved plant agricultural raw materials based on biologization and digitalization of technological processes. An analysis of the effectiveness of scientific and technical activities is given according to the criteria of research, publishing, publiсation, inventive activity, innovative, educational and financial and economic activities of a scientific institution. As a result of R&D, 115 completed developments of fundamental importance have received, forming the methodological and methodical basis for the creation of scientific and technical products of a priority applied level. Fundamentally new developments in applied research in the fields of knowledge relevant to the scientific institution were 81 developments that provide improvement in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of biocenotic and production processes in fruit and vineyards, technological processes during storage and processing of agricultural products. The gene pool is preserved – 7,253 samples of fruit, berry, nut crops and grapes, replenished with 127 varieties; clones were selected and 7 donors were identified and 53 sources for creating new varieties that combine high potential productivity, winter hardiness, drought resistance, sustainability to the most harmful diseases and pests. The State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in 2023 in the North Caucasus (6) region includes 3 varieties of apple trees, one grape variety, one clonal rootstock of small stone fruit crops, a rose variety bred by the scientific institution. Output products are registered in the USAIS electronic accounting database in the form of intellectual property for 99 completed developments. Regulatory documentation has been developed in the form of organizational standards, technological instructions and technical conditions for 37 completed developments.

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