
The research which it sees there is a place objective which a whole size and a change and a feature grasps the support contents which the relation husband and wife who is being related in physical training-sports promotion policy of Japan is principal and grasps. Physical training of Japan-sports or physical strength increase policy the vocal gadfly of the policy regarding the positivity of the policy regarding a facility and the leader and system the policy regarding, it is decided in your portion of the policy, regarding an enterprise promotion a most many budget in the policy from in the that regarding a facility it invests. 1 department from 21 ministry of existing 1 department reform-it reorganized 2001 year peddling sprouting government agencies with 12 ministry. As many as 2001 years were related with a physical training-a sports ` the director previously ministry of public management, home affairs, posts and telecommunications from to hand over a physical strength increase ` propulsion business, from the ministry of education, culture, sports, science and techNo logy it was executed and. A most many budget in the policy from in the that regarding a facility it invests. It followed hereupon and 10 ministry budget size of the whole power increase policy and physical training-sports relationship policy to total budget misfortune 391,099,453,000 and it prepares in previous year, 3.2% diminished. 1) the head of a family center station of physical training-sports relation policy is ministry of education, culture, sports, science and techNo logy. Even from in the that the physical training country almost to control all physical training-a sports business and the Japanese Olympic commission which is a condition group, a Japanese physical training association and the region sports group supporting and supervising. 2) the ministry of land, infrastructure and transport as the city park construction which stands and the physical training facility relation enterprise 2002 year construction-it maintained the space where it will use at the week condition market of cup or citizen physical training conference at the multipurpose park. 3) the ministry of health, labour and welfare `healthy Japan 21` it propels the healthy increase which leads the occurrence prevention and a whole life of the disease which stands in objective. It will reach to respect, as many as 2002 years appropriate to 590,000,000 with budget, specially they enforce information provision which uses an internet with the emphasis enterprise. 4) from ministry of ecoNo my, trade and industry from 1994 years regarding a synthesis sports industry at one of service industrial relation measure the Japanese development bank the sports facility which leads low interest financing support and the sports business research conference report, the sports sprouts cut but the support against a scientific conference, human nature system introduction back times of the sports manager flows and emphasis it lets in the sports industrial promotion and provides a administrative service the feature which it shows. In order to propel 2002 year peddling sprouting physical training-a sports promotion plan currently the sports promotion compound which is executed (Toto lottery) from also the gains which comes out is reflecting to a budget in the physical training facility method which is necessary from the government and the sports promotion fund outside.

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