
The results of long-term studies on the influence of multi-variant pasture management systems (techno-genic, integrated, technogenic-mineral, technogenic-organic) on the botanical composition and quality of feed of long-term phytocenoses are presented. The possibility of preserving the valuable botanical com-position and high quality of feed for a 75-year period under the condition of a rational mode of use and an optimal level of fertilizer is justified. All the studied systems of pasture management belong to the category of energy-saving, since with the 75-year use of grass stands, the capital costs planned for periodic re-servicing are reduced to 10 or more times. Experimental data on the botanical composition of pasture grass stands for 2005 and 2020 and the quality of green feed in terms of protein nutrition and mineral content for 1976–2020 are presented in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications of GOST R 57482-2017 "Pasture feed". The content of seeded grasses, meadow foxtail and meadow bluegrass, in the herbage of 75 years of life against the background of N180P45K120 was 43%. The content of crude protein (at a rate of at least 14%) and crude fat (at a rate of at least 3.2%) in all studied systems exceeded the standard values.

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