
The article is devoted to topical issues of professional training of future athletics coaches. The content of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills that form the basis of professional and pedagogical activity of a track and field coach is considered. The main directions and stages of the professional activity of the coach are determined. The structural components of the coaching and pedagogical activity of the track and field coach – organizational, communicative, constructive, design, gnostic, diagnostic and motor (physical and technical readiness) are distinguished. The purpose of the study is to identify and specify the professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills of the track and field coach and to consider their content. The system of professional training of specialists, including specialists in the field of physical education and sports, is developing in acordance with the requirements of modern socio-economic conditions. A considerable amount of knowledge, in particular theoretical and practical and methodological, is a prerequisite for intellectual and practical skills and does not fully guarantee the effectiveness of the professional activity of the trainer-teacher. Professional competence as a quality of personality reflects not so much the level of knowledge of a specialist, but the ability to apply this knowledge in practice, in a new situation, to model them to achieve high results in the activity. Therefore, in the structure of professional competence of a specialist in any industry, including a track and field coach, a significant position is occupied by skills. Central to the existing system of scientific knowledge about sports is the theory and methods of sports training, and in a broader sense – sports training and professional training of future coaches. These areas of knowledge are intended to determine the patterns of becoming an athlete's skill and professional competence of future coaches, to establish ways to use them in the practice of sports. The solution of the tasks facing the trainer (educational, educational and wellness) determines the variety of functions of the coach in athletics, which determine the different aspects of his professional and pedagogical activity – management, organizational, educational, educational, design, prognostic and orientation evaluative, research and creative. On this basis, the knowledge and skills, the content of which forms the basis of professional and pedagogical activity of the track and field coach, were specified and considered.

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