
This article discusses the importance of the formation of interrelationship in solving tactical tasks using success mechanisms in the process of forming tactical thinking for the application of fighting techniques in duels. It is well known that in the theory of armwrestling, it is customary to single out tactics for achieving success, in which patterns of contact interaction with an opponent in a duel are accumulated, allowing purposefully changing and controlling competitive actions to achieve victory. The purpose of the study is to identify, influence, education of psychological qualities of hand wrestlers on the results of competitions with the use of sports equipment. The results of the study are an indicator of the development of tactical thinking by athletes at competitions. Conclusions. The allocation of tactical skills, success mechanisms and tactical tasks in tactical thinking allows you to concretize the tactical thinking of a hand wrestler. Applying tactical skills, a handyman can apply techniques of technical actions intentionally and at the same time not being late, but even ahead of the opponent. Thus, the means and methods used in the training process to develop tactical thinking at the initial stage of preparation had a positive effect on performances. Biomechanical mechanisms of success are, first of all: 1) deliberate or reciprocal movements of the wrestler, which the opponent uses to his advantage; 2) the relative positions of the wrestler (body, arms, legs) in grapples, stands, etc. – which gives spatial advantages when conducting wrestling techniques; 3) inertial characteristics of movement, which set an irreversible character when performing actions and while the athlete can change them, he will already lose the confrontation. They also include mechanisms for the use of distance, tempo, rhythmic and other characteristics of biomechanical interaction of wrestlers. Psychophysiological mechanisms of success are based on the use of psychomotor, coordination and emotional reactions of the opponent, and also include hidden and open influence on his mental mechanisms of orientation and movement control.

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