
The paper determined the immunostimulating properties of Albite, Immunocytophyte and Ecogel in increasing peach resistance to basic diseases (leaf curl and shot-hole), as well as the effect of these preparations on the photosynthetic activity of leaves and crop yield. The studies were carried out by the standard techniques in the conditions of Russian humid subtropics, in Sochi, on the plantations where peach cultivars ‘Redhaven’ are grown. It was established that lesions with peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul.) andshot-hole (Stigminacarpophila (Lev.) M. B. Ellis) lead to a signifi cant inhibition of photosynthetic activity. In the years 2015-2016, the index of photosynthetic activity “Kf_T” on leaf sections affected by leaf curl decreased by 12,5-14,8 % compared to the leaves without any symptoms of the disease. On leaf sections affected by shot-hole, it decreased by 6,4-15,2 %. Peach treatment with immunoinducers Albite, Immunocytophyte and Ecogel in their pure form and together with half-dosaged fungicides led to activation of photosynthetic processes with simultaneously growing resistance to leaf curl. The maximum positive result was achieved in the test variants where Albite and Ecogel were applied. The positive effect of immunoinductors on the peach organism also increased the crop yield. Albite used in the tank mixture with fungicides increased peach yield by 124-149 %. The obtained data indicate the expediency of applying immunoinductors in peach agrocenoses.The use of immunoinductors in peach protection system allows not only to reduce the pesticide load on agrocenosis, but also to stimulate the internal mechanisms in plant organism, which increase resistance to phytopathogens.

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