
Introduction. Hydrotechnical structures of transport construction from road culverts are used to pass water under roadways and other structures. One of the ways to increase the durability and reliability of road culverts is to carry out repairs by the sleeve method. The proposed method involves the installation of a new road culvert in the middle of a defective road culvert, and the space between the pipes is filled with mortar. The distribution of the mixture will further determine the effectiveness of the applied restoration method and the reliability of the repaired structure. The relevance of the work consists in determining the efficiency of filling the inter-pipe space with mortar. Problem Statement. From the literature analysis, it was established that road culverts are in difficult operating conditions, which is the reason for their premature destruction. The existing methods of repair do not provide the necessary quality of the restored building, and the existing global approaches are not fully studied. Purpose. It consists in refining the technology of restoration of hydraulic structures of transport construction from road culverts by the sleeve method, which ensures high reliability and durability of the structure in difficult operating conditions.

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