
The migration outflow of the population, which has been occurring for 30 years in all subjects of the Russian Federation located in the Far East, is becoming a stable phenomenon that threatens the security of the country on its eastern borders. The measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation have not made significant improvements in the migration situation, which puts forward the urgent problem of revealing the true essence of the observed phenomenon of migration outflow of the population, including the analysis of the structure of departures. As our research shows, the initiative core of the migration outflow are persons who have received higher education, including those with PhD and doctorate degrees. In the structure of the negative balance of migration in the Far Eastern macro-region, their share is 40 percent, while in the structure of the permanent population of the Far East it is half as much and does not exceed 20 percent. Migration flows from persons consisting of highly educated personnel characterize the transition of social reproduction to its innovative type. This feature of the post-industrial stage of society's development was noted in the middle of the twentieth century. The recipients of such migration flows, generated by persons with higher education and qualifications, are the centers of science, high-tech production, innovative development. The revealed pattern allows us to conclude that the solution to the problem of migration outflow of the population of the Far East consists in the formation and development of agglomerations in the macroregion that carry out their advanced socio-economic development on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology, which creates the best conditions for the creation of knowledge-intensive jobs attractive to highly qualified personnel.

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