
Subject: Inflammatory periodontal diseases are one of the most common dental diseases in the world. To ensure successful treatment and a stable period of remission, it is necessary to take into account the etiopathogenesis of the disease. One of the main roles in the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases is played by the immune response of the body to the action of periodontal-pathogenic micro-organisms.
 Objective ― to study the current literature indicates about the role of immunological processes in the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases, as well as the possibility of their correction
 Material and methodologies: Data from the scientific literature on the etiopathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases was used in the study. To achieve this objective the databases of the Tyumen State Medical University Library, electronic libraries (eLibrary, Cyberleninka, PubMed, Googl.Scholar), official sites of scientific publications were used.
 Results: the review of the literature presents information on the immunological processes developing in inflammatory periodontal diseases. The role of cellular and humoral elements in pathogenesis, the role of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the chronization of the inflammatory process is described. The possibilities of local immunological correction in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases are considered.
 Conclusions: The concept of cytokine development of inflammatory periodontal diseases has been formed and substantiated in modern scientific literature. The evaluation of the cytokine profile of the oral and gingival fluid allows to establish the activity and severity of the disease. The established immunological and molecular genetic mechanisms of the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases associated with the influence of cytokines make it possible to adjust the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases, determine the direction of personalized therapy of patient, determine the effectiveness of the treatment and the prognosis of the disease.

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