
The main objective of the study is to analyze the prerequisites for the implementation of process management in public administration of Ukraine. Material and methods. The article uses the provisions of the system theory, management theory, concepts of industrial revolutions and technological structures to substantiate the essence of the prerequisites for the introduction of management systems of a certain complexity. In the process of identifying the presence of certain prerequisites in modern Ukrainian realities, methods of analysis of economic statistics and international indices that determine the level of technological and economic development of the country, as well as readiness to use information and communication technologies have been used. Results. It has been determined that the evolution of management systems is derived from the development of managed objects. Therefore, the development of technologies as a way to transform matter, energy and information is the main determinant of the quality characteristics of management systems. In particular, process management is a management system that is adequate to the tasks of high-tech industries of the fifth technological order (or 3.0 Industry), which corresponds to the following characteristics: the consideration of activities as a hierarchy of processes, the introduction of managers and process owners into the management structure, the orientation of management on the final measurable result, expressed in terms of process efficiency. It has been proved that given the global openness of the national economy and in a situation of insufficient technological level, there are opportunities for catch-up development in Ukraine, based on the introduction of digitalization technologies, which are used mainly in the sphere of services – financial, educational, public, etc. As a result, the introduction of information technologies will facilitate the transition to new rules for companies, organizations and government agencies. Taking this into account, there is an urgent opportunity in Ukraine to introduce process management tools and improve the efficiency of public administration and local self-government systems. However, changing the management system, in addition to process modeling and optimization, will require the transformation of cognitive models of civil servants as a sufficient condition for the effectiveness of the implemented system.

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