
In modern conditions, the processes of digitalization of the economy are actively developing, ultimately leading to its digital transformation. The digital economy changes the effective rules of doing business. These changes have indus-try (sectoral) specifics. The purpose of the article is to clarify the role and importance of print media (mass media) in thedigital economy. The research utilizes official statistics data processed using well-known methods of economic and mana-gerial research. The analysis of literature sources shows that traditionally the transition to the digital economy is assessed as a change in the business environment for organizations, including print media. The author's research found that this approach to the interpretation of digitalization and digital transformation accompanying the transition to the digital economy has limited applicability. In some industries, it requires adjustment, particularly for print media, for which the digital economy is not an external factor in their development, but an internal factor in their successful functioning. In addition, the activities of print media are themselves an integral element of the digital economy. Their functioning is as-sociated with the generation and dissemination of information, and as the processes of digitalization and digital trans-formation develop, this information is digitized and brought into economic circulation as a resource for the development of the digital economy. The article also shows that print media are increasingly using modern digital technologies to pro-duce the content underlying their product, because of which this content is transforming not only in form, but also in con-tent. Thus, the article presents a new vision of the peculiarities of the development and functioning of print media in the digital economy. The results obtained can be considered both in further scientific research and in practice -in developing strategies for the development of print media and in improving the methods and tools of state regulation of the process-es of transition to the digital economy model in the Russian Federation.

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