
We discuss modern approaches to social and pedagogical support of disabled children and their families. Based on modern statistical data and an analysis of its dynamics in recent years, the deterioration of the situation with child disability in the Russian Federation is indicated, which inevitably actualizes the state social policy in this area. The legal framework for recognizing a child as a disabled person and his subsequent social protection is analyzed. A reasonable conclu-sion is made about the insufficiency of an exclusively legislative approach to social support of a disabled child. It is determined that disabled children are children with various mental or physical abnormalities that cause developmental disorders that prevent children from living a full life. Dis-abled children as a social category need social protection, help, support. The leading position in the upbringing, socialization, meeting needs, education, career guidance of a child with develop-mental problems is held by the family. Problems, features, functions of the family of a disabled child are identified. Activities to assist parents in raising a disabled child are one of the most im-portant areas of social and pedagogical support. The concepts of social support, social and peda-gogical support of disabled children are analyzed. We give definition of social and pedagogical support, considered as a set of measures aimed at: social and communicative development of children; development of cognitive mental processes in disabled children; physical development of disabled children and emotional-volitional development. It is concluded that properly organized social and pedagogical support effectively helps disabled children acquire the qualities necessary for their functioning in society, develop social communication, receive education.

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