
In recent years, several trends can be recorded in the educational space. There is a great variety, including the emergence of new competing educational theories and practices that represent different educational paradigms. This situation makes it relevant to address the issue of the nature of the existence of educational paradigms and their role in the formation of future teachers ' competencies, including social and personal ones. The purpose is to analyze the polyparadigmality of modern Kazakh education and its role in the formation of the teacher's social and personal competence. We used methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction. The analysis of the competence approach is based on the descriptive-analytical method. Polyparadigmality in the field of education is analyzed as a natural phenomenon. The methodological basis for the analysis of various positions of researchers and teachers was the general scientific definition of the paradigm given by T. Kuhn. According to him, it is a set of theoretical and methodological attitudes, a concept more general than a theory, concept or approach. Several pedagogical theories, concepts, or approaches may correspond to the same paradigm that serves as their ideological basis. Returning to the general scientific interpretation of the paradigm will eliminate confusion in understanding the accumulated experience and prospects of education, and will help to adequately perceive the pedagogical reality in the formation of competencies. The expansion and development of knowledge in the field of formation of teachers' competencies is inevitable, so a change in the pedagogical paradigm is inevitable and necessary. The synthesizing core in it should be a culture that combines science, art and spiritual teachings into the integrity of the noosphere. Today, in pedagogy, much attention is paid to the combination and complementarity of pedagogical paradigms. Competent perception of the polyparadigmality of education by both teachers and students, as well as awareness of the complex nature of the polyparadigm approach in the education of the future teacher, in our opinion, will provide a qualitative level of formation of a competent teacher at the stage of their training at the university. Most modern scientists (S. V. Belova, O. S. Gazman, I. G. Fomicheva, etc.) admit the simultaneous existence of several paradigms in the same conditions of education, possibly with the dominant role of one of them at a particular stage. Thus, as the main strategy for the formation of the teacher's social and personal competence, we assume the harmonization of various educational paradigms.

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