
The Journal of Studies in Language 35.1, 069-083. The effects of extensive reading have been extensively examined by many researchers in approximately the two last decades. The current study aims to investigate the overall effectiveness of extensive English reading. A meta-analysis is conducted to answer research questions and to identify future research directions. Two types of empirical studies are included: those including group contrasts based on a comparison of a control group and experimental groups, and pre-post contrasts that only include experimental groups in the analysis. This study includes 31 papers from research databases on extensive reading researches in a classroom setting and synthesizes 48 cognitive effects and 20 affective effects from these papers under investigation in a manner of quantifying their means and standard deviations to derive generalizations. Findings show a medium effect size (g=.579) for pre-post contrasts and a larger one (g=.713)for group contrasts. In sum, the available research to date suggests that extensive reading improves students'' reading proficiency and should be a part of language learning curricula. (Chungnam National University)

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