
The article explores the specific qualities of the employment of nouns in the dative case singular in Ivan Franko’s poetry books. It displays the changing dynamics in accordance with the year of book publications. In addition to it the article reveals the alternative forms which the poet employs for several reasons: the absence of definite forms at that time, regional impact and demands in poetry versification. Barely lifetime collections of Ivan Franko’s poetry are taken into consideration, namely “Z vershyn i nyzyn”, (1887,1893), “Ziviale lystia”(1896,1911), “Mii izmarahd” (1898), “Davnie i nove” (1911), “Iz dniv Zhurby” (1900), “Semper tiro” (1906). It allows to perceive Kameniar not only as a creator of literature but also as a founder of a literary language. The article emphasizes on the topicality of the scientific research since morphological peculiarities of the noun forms reflect the epoch of the establishment of the Ukrainian literary language at the end of the 19th –beginning of the 20th century. Having examined Ivan Franko’s lifetime editions of poetry books, the following distinct features of the noun dative case were singled out: 1) the presence of the inflexion -y in nouns of the 1st and 3d declension of feminine gender (zemly, Rusy, smerty); 2) the presence of alternative forms in the inflexions –ovy, -evy (yevy),// u (-yu) in the nouns of 2d declension of masculine gender (druhovy, startsevy, spivakovy, pastukhu, hospodariu, tovaryshu). Alternative forms within one lexeme were also detected (tsarevy//tsariu, popovy//popu, narodovy//narodu, Bohovy//Bohu, solovievy// soloviiu). Furthermore, mingling inflexions were noticed – evy/-ovy (vuzhovy// vuzhevy). Moreover, the inflexions –ovy // -u depended on the poetic requirements of that time (bohoslovy-oslovy, stanu-panu). Inanimate nouns of masculine gender have alternative inflexions –ovy, -evy (-yevy) // u (-yu) (ohnevy, kintsevy,kintsiu, hnivu),whereas inanimate nouns of neuter gender have a single inflexion –u (zlu, dobru, sertsiu, poliu). The article provides the historical background, namely it reveals the characteristic features of the noun dative case in grammar books of the beginning of the 20th century: S. Smal-Stotskyi, F. Gartner “Ukrainian Grammar” (1914); V. Simovych “Ukrainian grammar for self-learners and how to help school science” (1919); Ye. Tymchenko “Ukrainian Grammar” (1917). Keywords: poetry, lifetime edition, literary language, noun, noun declension, word form, inflection.

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