
This article discusses the current problems negatively affecting the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article notes that the development of entrepreneurship generates a competitive environment, improves the investment attractiveness of the country, which plays an important role in creating favorable living conditions. The author analyzes foreign experience regarding the development of entrepreneurship. In particular, the positive experience of such countries as the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan has been studied. In these countries, special attention is paid to the development of small business, which occupies a significant place in the formation of GDP and the creation of new jobs. The development of entrepreneurship in these countries is significantly superior to the countries of the European Union in some indicators. The author notes that the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the reforms carried out in the countries in the field of digitalization and development of the electronic economy in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. In the scientific article, the author pointed out specific problems that hinder the development of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Based on the analysis, practical proposals are given to improve the regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The scientific novelty of the scientific article consists in the development of fundamentally new proposals for improving the regulatory framework in the field of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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