
Statement of the problem. The article deals with the process of developing a complex universal interpersonal competence, necessary to prepare the university graduates to network interaction in their future professional activity under constantly changing labor market conditions. The need to develop new competence, which may include the ability to work in the project team, is caused by a contradiction between recognition of the prevalence of interactive methods for developing universal competence over traditional ones and insufficient development of an algorithm for their use in practice. The following educational programs implemented at the Department of the German and French Philology at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk) and at the Department of Germano-Romanic Philology and Foreign Languages Teaching at the KSPU named after V.P Astafiev (Krasnoyarsk) are taken as an example, namely: “Foreign Language” and “Foreign Language and Foreign Language” (full-time education; 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education”). The purpose of the article is to present the authors’ recommendations on how to identify the dynamics and conditions for the development of universal team work competence, necessary to prepare a future graduate to network interaction, taking into account the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards. The research methodology consists of analysis of existing bachelor’s programs in the field of foreign language education; study of the results of interdisciplinary research of Russian and international scientists on the formation and development of universal competence; analysis and generalization of the authors’ experience in implementing network interaction project programs. Research results. Author’s recommendations have been developed to identify the dynamics and conditions for the development of a complex universal interpersonal team work competence, necessary to prepare a future graduate to network interaction, tested in practice in the context of university education. Conclusion. Analyzing the results of approved recommendations, the authors come to the conclusion that the network interaction during the implementation of programs in the field of foreign language education contributes to the formation and development of a complex universal interpersonal team work competence. The author’s recommendations can be applied in the course of bachelors’ training program 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education” (full-time).

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