
The research was carried out to study the productivity and adaptability of sunflower hybrids EU Monalisa, EU Bella, EU Genesis on gray forest soils of the Republic of Tatarstan. Field experiments were carried out in 2020-2021 on the basis of Agrobiotechnopark LLC (Narmonka village, Laishevsky municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan), laboratory analyses were carried out at the Agroecological Research Center of the Kazan State Agrarian University. According to the research results, it was found that the hybrid Genesis differed in field germination from the 3 compared variants (field germination - 86.7%), this variant also had the highest seedling growth rate – 0.22 g/plant. But despite such a high field germination, by the end of the growing season, this hybrid had a minimum plant safety of 95.4%, and the Monolysis hybrid had a maximum (96.6%). The maturation periods of the studied hybrids ranged from 112 to 120 days. The Bell hybrid turned out to be the most precocious – 112 days, which is especially important for the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan with limited thermal resources. The studied hybrids also differed in biometric indicators. Thus, the tallest of the studied hybrids was Monalisa (166 cm), and the shortest was Genesis (158 cm). The hybrid Genesis was distinguished by the structure of the crop, yield, oil content and protein content. So this hybrid had the maximum indicators for the following indicators: basket diameter – 12.2 cm; weight of 1000 seeds – 50.6 g; oil content – 46.0%; protein content – 26%; the yield is 2.46 t/ha and the gross harvest of vegetable oil is 1132 kg per 1 hectare.

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