
Active hostilities throughout the territory of Ukraine, which have been going since February 24, 2022 as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, have given rise to a number of problems in the field of higher education, one of which is ensuring the stability and continuity of the educational process. The problem of professional foreign language training of tactical level servicemen according to NATO standards, who are able to adequately represent Ukraine on the international arena and are ready to take direct part in international military exercises, seminars, conferences and meetings without the involvement of interpreters, is gaining particular relevance. In this context, the higher military educational institution are entrusted with the training of tactical level officers who not only know a foreign language, but are able to apply this knowledge in official activities and in the process of carrying out professional duties in a foreign language environment. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of professional language training of servicemen at higher educational establishments in war time. Methodology of the study is based on the analysis of regulatory and legal documents defining state standards of higher military education, educational and professional programs, training plans for officers of the Armed Forces; analysis, synthesis and systematization of psychological and pedagogical scientific literature; analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign experience in the process of formation of professional foreign

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