
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 西南山区生态保护红线划定方法优化—基于生态地质环境脆弱性评估 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202003220642 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大项目(41790432);国家自然基金青年基金项目(41701114) Optimization method of ecological redline delineation in Southwest China from the view of eco-geo environment vulnerability assessment Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rock and Soil on Slope Surface Under Large Gradient Environment and Spatial Pattern of Catastrophic Conditions 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:生态系统服务功能重要性评估及生态环境敏感性评估是划定生态保护红线的基本方法。以生态系统敏感性及服务功能为核心的红线划定指标体系,未能准确反映山地复杂地质环境对生态环境的影响,使得生态红线划定缺乏地质-地理过程的支撑。以地质环境与地理环境互馈为基础,构建西南山区生态地质环境脆弱性评估指标体系,以我国典型山区四川省为研究区,通过将脆弱性格局与基本方法划定的生态保护红线叠置分析,提出了基于"生态地质环境共同体"理念的山区生态保护红线划定优化方法。结果表明:生态保护红线与脆弱性评估格局基本一致,面积有差异;生态保护红线划定方法充分刻画生态系统保护格局,脆弱性格局更好反映国土空间开发保护状况,山区地质与地理过程是塑造生态红线分布格局的关键影响因素,基于生态地质环境脆弱性评估视角的2种优化方案,集中、全面反映生态系统优先保护及国土空间开发保护格局,但应合理预留人类聚居空间及生产空间。 Abstract:Assessment of ecosystem service and ecological sensitivity are the basic methods to zone the ecological redline. However, for mountainous areas with complex geological conditions, the indicator system with ecological environment and service as the core is difficult to reflect the impact of a special geological environment, which makes the ecological redline pattern lack support of the geological and geographical process. Based on the mutual feedback of geological environment and geographical environment, this study constructed the vulnerability assessment index system of the eco-geo environment in the southwest mountainous area, Sichuan Province. The ecological redline optimization method was analyzed by superposition with the assessing the frailty, based on the concept of "eco-geo environment community". The results showed that the ecological redline and vulnerability assessment pattern was generally consistent. The vulnerable area of eco-geo environment was 189700 km2, accounting for 39.1% of the research area. The total area of the ecological redline was 148000 km2, accounting for 30.45% of the research area. Geological and geographical processes in mountainous areas were key factors to shape the distribution pattern of ecological redline. Two redline optimization methods based on the vulnerability assessment of the eco-geo environment, covered an area of 197600 km2 and 241700 km2 respectively, which was consistent with the ecological security pattern of four key ecological functional areas in the main functional divisions of Sichuan Province. The two schemes reflect the priority protection of the ecosystem and the development and protection pattern of land space, but it should reserve the living space and production space reasonably. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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