
The article is focused on the problem of biological resources of the Republic 
 of Mordovia. The Moksha River is traditionally the main fishery water body in the Republic
 of Mordovia. There have been presented the results of comprehensive fisheries research for 
 2009-2015 carried out on the segment of the Moksha within the Republic of Mordovia. Analysis of the food supply has shown a significant underutilization of zoobenthos, phytoplankton and macrophytes. Using the data, which are the average indicators of the food reserve over the years, the river’s production capabilities were calculated and made 418.6 tons or 186.9 kg/ha. According to the results of research catches with fixed nets and minnow seines, the composition of the fishing ichthyofauna was determined, where roach, perch, goldfish dominated in number, roach, crucian carp, bream, perch dominated in biomass. There were recorded in total 29 fish species, mainly carp species. There has been defined the ichthyomass of fish aged two years and older, which varies from year to year within 141.3-180.2 tons or 63-81 kg/ha, and taking into account juvenile species it will make 108 kg/ha. As for the most significant species in the fish ichthyofauna (roach and silver carp) the increase in fish production was calculated (8.6 and 14.9, correspondingly) and the total catch quotas were determined. Under the constant value of the average catch per year effort, they amount to 50-60 tons. Taking into account the free food reserve due to the reproduction and protective measures carried out at the expense of compensation funds for the damage caused to aquatic biological resources, the catch of marketable fish species in the Moksha River can be in-creased in 2.0-2.5 times.


  • The article is focused on the problem of biological resources of the Republic of Mordovia

  • There have been presented the results of comprehensive fisheries research for 2009-2015 carried out on the segment of the Moksha within the Republic of Mordovia

  • Using the data, which are the average indicators of the food reserve over the years, the river’s production capabilities were calculated and made 418.6 tons or 186.9 kg/ha

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Водные биоресурсы и их рациональное использование

Мокши при отборе проб в рыбохозяйственных целях зафиксировано 40 видов и форм массовых представителей зообентоса: олигохеты – 5, хирономиды –. Составила: олигохеты – 5,328 ± 4,329 г/м2, хирономиды – 4,662 ± 3,436 г/м2, кормовые моллюски – 25,423 ± 12,357 г/м2, прочие – 0,796 ± 1,262 г/м2; общая биомасса в среднем – 36,198 ± 14,973 г/м2. Отмечалось, что наибольшие показатели биомассы зообентоса наблюдались в сентябре-октябре. Мокши биомасса групп организмов на различных участках достигала: олигохет на серых илах – 12,48 г/м2, хирономид на серых илах – 4,64 г/м2, кормовых моллюсков на сильнозаиленных песках – 37,44 г/м2. Расчет рыбопродукции производился по формуле и с помощью коэффициентов, использованных нами в предыдущих работах по приведенным усредненным данным компонентов кормовой базы [18,19,20, 23]

Компоненты кормовой базы
Среднее значение
Уклейка Пескарь Пескарь белоперый Горчак Быстрянка Окунь Щука
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