
In recent years, the issue of corporate social responsibility has become particularly relevant. Accelerating technological advances and increasing consumption are increasingly causing negative impacts on the environment and society that is why the organizations’ social responsibility is becoming more and more relevant every year. The experience of foreign countries shows that social responsibility is useful not only for business but also for its environment, determines the increasing number of socially responsible organizations in Lithuania and a more favorable attitude of consumers towards the activities of organizations [36]. According to Mauriciene and Pauzuoliene (2014), the priority of socially responsible organizations is the expectations and needs of consumers. Socially responsible organizations emphasize in their activity reports the importance of socially responsible activities to the organization, its employees, society and consumers. Consumers are more likely to appreciate such an organization, prefer to choose its products, encourage others to do the same, and believe more in what it does. Analysis of the literature . The issues of corporate social responsibility are investigated by both Lithuanian (Kovaliov et al., 2009; Golubaviciute, Guzavicius, 2009; Simanskiene, Pauzuoliene, 2010; Laurinavicius, Reklaitis, 2011; Juscius, Sneideriene, 2013; Skackauskiene, Valentinovic, 2016; Sneideriene, 2016, and others) and foreign scientists (David, 2004; Misani, 2010; Walls, 2011; Lindgreen et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2017; Muhumed, 2018; Evans et al.(2010) and others). It is noticed that foreign scientists Henderson, 2007; Rodriguez, Cruz, 2007; Grosbois, 2012; Dolores, Vargas-Sanchez, 2014; Joon-Ho, Bong-Ihn, Ki-Tai, Jong-Pil, 2017, Ponnapureddy et al. (2017) Robin et al (2016), Mensah,(2013) Lee and Heo (2009) et al sufficiently widely analyze hotel social responsibility. The aim of the work is to investigate the social responsibility of the organization from the point of view of consumers. The objectives raised in the work: To discuss the concept of corporate social responsibility and the peculiarities of implementing in the activities; To describe the models of corporate social responsibility; To assess the social responsibility of accommodation providers in terms of consumers. The following research methods were used to achieve the aim and objectives: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis of the obtained data. The result of the study . Taking into account the social responsibility of accommodation companies from the point of view of consumers, as an interested party and one of the most important market participants, according to the ethical, legal and economic responsibility components it is stated that the social responsibility of accommodation companies is of medium level and should be improved according to all criteria

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