
The article provides the general characteristics of external manifestation of procedural component verification of decisions by discussion as fundamental principle of decision-making by the parliament of Ukraine, which is considered in the light of the interaction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with other subjects. The openness and transparency of the parliament of Ukraine functioning are analyzed through the prism of scientific works, current legislation and legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Special attention is paid to parliamentary hearings, their preparation and holding, because during the appropriate form of work of the parliament, the public participates in the discussion of decisions approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and stakeholders can express their position publicly. It is noted that despite the advisory nature of the results of the parliamentary hearings, the specified institute is evaluated as a feedback mechanism between citizens, institutions of civil society and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which makes it possible to analyze the position of society on certain issues and take it into account when working with draft laws in the committees of the Verkhovna Rada. Attention is paid to the fact that in addition to parliamentary hearings as a classic form of interaction between the representative body of the state power of Ukraine and institutions of civil society, the corresponding interaction can also take place in other forms, in particular, through electronic democracy (for example, electronic petitions, discussions of draft laws) or within the scope of the work of people's deputies in constituencies (for example, during meetings with voters). It is noted that electronic petitions and discussion of draft laws as digital services of the parliament website also represent the external manifestation of the procedural component of the fundamental principle of decision verification by discussion, because with their help it is possible to involve an unlimited circle of citizens and institutions of civil society in the process of development and decision-making by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thus, domestic legislation providesfor a significant number of mechanisms for the interaction of the Parliament of Ukraine with other subjects. At the same time, it should be noted the tendency to strengthen the role of the mechanisms of "electronic democracy" (e-democracy) in the formation of public debate regarding the relevant draft acts and adopted decisions. The introduction of such mechanisms contributes to the strengthening of control by civil society and the formation of a professional discussion with the broad involvement of specialists and stakeholders in the context of decision-making by the legislature.

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