
The article’s purpose is to analyze the everyday life of the administrative center of the Altai Territory Barnaul during the Great Patriotic War. The question is not yet explored in the literature. The city became one of the major centers for the location of evacuated industrial enterprises from Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kharkov, Lugansk and other cities of the European part of the USSR, as well as hospitals, cultural and educational institutions. On the arrived equipment basis, defense plants as Transmash, Machine-tool, Boiler, Mechanical presses and others were built and put into operation in a short time. The issues of the local authorities’ activities for the placement of new enterprises and institutions in the city, the solution of the housing problem, the formation of workers and employees collectives are considered. It is shown that the personnel were formed not only from the evacuated, but also the local urban and rural population. The changes in the higher and secondary special education spheres which were caused by the placement of evacuated educational institutions are concidered. Important changes have taken place in the culture, because of the location of two evacuated theaters (Moscow Chamber Theater and Dnepropetrovsk Drama Theater) and circus in Barnaul. Attention is drawn to the work of parks and cinemas in wartime conditions. Attention is drawn to the functioning of parks and cinemas in wartime conditions. The situation with the food supply of citizens and the role of subsistence farms is analyzed. The article uses archival and published sources, including ones of private origin. The author concluded that during the war years the city turned into a significant industrial, educational and cultural center of the south of Western Siberia.

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