
The present research features comparative data on the dynamics of meat production and consumption in the Republic of Buryatia. The analysis revealed stability and a slight increase in meat production and consumption per capita. The main sources of raw meat in Buryatia are cattle, sheep, and pigs, whereas goats, horses, and yaks make up a small part of farm animals in the region and serve as an additional source of valuable animal protein. The article contains a review of academic literature that showed a growing interest in yak meat studies, e.g. its nutritional value and use in meat products. The present research demonstrated that the nutritional and biological value of yak meat was similar to beef. However, yak meat proved to be tough, dark in color, and with a specific taste and smell. According to the experimental studies, the nutritional value of yak meat depends on the altitude of habitat. For instance, the higher the altitude, the larger the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The content of connective proteins, which can affect the consistency of the end product, was higher by 12.1% in yak meat than in beef. The experiment showed that the process of glycolysis in yak meat was 24 hours longer than in beef. The yak meat was tough due to the higher level of connective proteins, while its darker colour could be explained by the high content of myoglobin. These properties should be taken into account in the production of highquality meat products.


  • Животноводы Республики Бурятия занимаются разведением и выращиванием крупного рогатого скота, овец, свиней, коней и яков

  • Таблица 5 – Жирнокислотный состав жира яков разных экотипов (%) Table 5 – Fat-acid composition of yak fat according to ecotype (%)

  • B. Singh // Indian Veterinary Medical Journal

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Изолейцин Валин Лейцин Метионин Лизин Триптофан Треонин Фенилаланин Сумма НАК Аланин Аспарагиновая Аргинин Глютаминовая Гистидин Серин Глицин Тирозин Пролин Сумма ЗАК алтайский 3,54 4,32 6,71 2,21 10,74 1,11 4,79 3,81 37,23 7,31 8,61 8,62 14,79 5,41 4,31 5,89 3,09 4,61 62,64 бурятский 3,65 4,61 6,39 2,17 9,62 1,19 4,97 3,78 36,38 6,87 9,64 8,11 15,25 5,63 3,74 6,98 2,89 4,47 63,58

Название экотипа тяньшанский памирский
Наименование кислоты
Печень яков
Мясо крупного рогатого скота*
Мясо яков Говядина Суточная окинских норма
Мясо окинских Говядина*
Мясо окинских Говядина яков
Мясо яков
Список литературы
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