
The purpose of this article is to identify the role and significance of the category of wholeness in the Russian socio-political and historical process. Such methods of scientific research as the retrospective method, the comparative method and the hermeneutic method are used in the article. The author of the article claims that in the context of the collapse of the project Modern and the related worldview impasse, the idea of wholeness becomes the most important ideological paradigm, and this paradigm is peculiar to the Russian socio-political, cultural and philosophical sphere. Just in the Russian worldview wholeness is an important unifying component. It is very significant that thinkers out of completely different social backgrounds and completely different political views came to the idea of wholeness. As an example, the author of the article considers the views of the writer and thinker V.F. Odoyevskiy, religious philosopher V.F. Ern and the revolutionary Marxist A.A. Bogdanov. According to the views of V.F. Odoevsky, the basis of a true worldview is the trinity of faith, knowledge and art. Such integrity also determines the socio-political ideal of the writer. According to V.F. Ern, the whole becomes the whole only on the assumption that it is beyond the borders of our world, beyond death and it is a noumenal Being. Cognizing it, humanity can only build a new socio-political ideal. A.A. Bogdanov has come to the conclusion that the task of a genuine political project facing the future is to give an integral concept of man, as well as the science of holistic knowledge — tektology, and then the harmonious development of a new united humanity will begin. The theoretical and practical significance of the article lies in the fact that in the era of social upheaval and the dominance of postmodernism, the idea of wholeness becomes again very relevant because without it any social-political and historical design is impossible.

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