
We analyze the features of onomastic units functioning, which are cultural-onomastic constants, in the A. Platonov’s story “The Sluices of Epifany”. We substantiate the special attention that is drawn to the specificity of the introduction by the author of onomastic units of different categories. We show that a proper name is a special artistic element that does not exist indepen-dently in the text and is always interconnected with other elements of the text, since it is necessary for the author to create an artistic image. An interaction analysis of all these systems makes it possible to more accurately understand the author’s intention and the purpose of introducing one or another onomastic unit into the text. We reveal the features of onymic vocabulary functioning as an identifier of the chronotope in A. Platonov’s story “The Sluices of Epifany”. It is obvious that the introduction by the author of specific onomastic units into a work is always not accidental, such a choice is always caused directly by the author’s associations related to a particular name. The analysis of the author’s use of hydronyms as onomastic units as chronotope markers in the story “The Sluices of Epifany” gives the following results: by the means of hydronyms denoting the names of rivers and seas, A. Platonov verbalizes the scale of the described space, emphasizes its limitlessness; introducing the hydronym Ivan-lake into the text, the author verbalizes the chronotope of abyss. We conclude that space as a category in A. Platonov’s picture of the world occupies an important place.

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