
We have investigated the effect of single-ion anisotropy of the "easy plane" type on the phase states of a ferrimagnet with S = 1 and σ=1/2 sublattices and non-Heisenberg (bilinear and biquadratic in spins) exchange interaction for the sublattice with S = 1. It is shown that taking into account both the non-Heisenberg exchange interaction and the single-ion anisotropy of the sublattice with S = 1 leads to the realization of a phase with vector order parameters (ferrimagnetic phase) and a phase characterized by both vector and tensor order parameters (quadrupole-ferrimagnetic). It is shown that taking into account single-ion anisotropy changes the type of phase transition in comparison with an isotropic non-Heisenberg ferrimagnet. A phase diagram is constructed, and the condition for the compensation of the sublattice spins is determined.

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