
The article attempts a theoretical analysis of the problem of professional identity in the research of foreign scientists as determinants of the process of professional self-determination of the future specialist. It is noted that the scientific term «professional identity» is the subject of various psychological and pedagogical studies. The author, like most scientists, delineates the category «professional identity» through the following directions: 1) the study of professional development, personal self-improvement, that is, personal identity represented in physical, intellectual and moral qualities; 2) social aspects and factors of becoming a professional, i.e. social identity. The article clarifies that foreign scientists single out this phenomenon as the main criterion for the professional development of an individual and the leading characteristic of the subject of work. It was found that the professional identity of the future specialist is formed only at sufficiently high levels of mastery of the profession, it is a stable coordination of the main elements of the professional process. Professional self-identification is one of the determinants of the formation of professional self-awareness and acts as a mechanism of this complex process. The author proves that students with a formed professional identity more productively model their own professional growth and more clearly formulate their intentions and professional goals. Justifying the connection between professional self-determination and identity, the author notes that in students with a formed professional identity, the activity is characterized as more successful; they realize themselves to a greater extent in professional self-determination; are satisfied with their professional activity; have formed professional plans and intentions; are able to make balanced decisions; more autonomous and confident in the correctness of the chosen profession. The article emphasizes that professional identity has a decisive influence on the professional self-determination of students of higher education institutions.

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