
Objective: To identify the influence of electromagnetic interference of various origins on the func- tioning of electronic components of control systems in electric rolling stock (ERS) and radio commu- nication devices, and the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on humans. To carry out experi- mental studies of the ERS EMF characteristics taken as source data, allowing to assess the need to take appropriate actions to ensure electromagnetic safety. One of such measures is the optimal ar- rangement of electric equipment in the driver’s cabin of an electric locomotive or electric train, which will make it possible to achieve the minimum electric and magnetic field strength values under specified conditions. Methods: Direct measurement of the electromagnetic field characteristics in the driver’s cabin of a new 2ES-5 (2ЭС-5) AC electric locomotive (joint production of Transmashhol- ding JSC, Russia, and Alstom, France), as well as on a 2ES4K (2ЭС4К) DC electric locomotive (driver’s cabin, high-voltage chamber, electric locomotive roof) and an ED4M (ЭД4М) DC electric train (dri- ver’s cabin, train car). In the driver’s cabin, measurements were carried out near the working appa- ratus, near the driver’s and assistant's seats and at frequencies for which the maximum permissible levels have been set. Results: The magnetic field strengths (as having the greatest effect on the func- tioning of the electronic components of the ERS control systems and on the person) in the driver’s cabin of electric locomotives and electric trains were measured at different currents under the fol- lowing conditions: starting, traction, braking in the high-voltage chamber and on the electric locomo- tive roof. Practical importance: The given electromagnetic field characteristics do not exceed the specifications set forth in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. However, when trains move, there are bursts of EMF strength values due to transient processes in the power supply sys- tem: on DC ERS, the magnetic field strength in the driver’s cabin reached 100 A/m, the electric field strength — 8,5 kV/m, magnetic induction on the DC electric locomotive roof — 400 μT. These values exceed the maximum permissible levels and require the relevant actions to ensure electromagnetic safety.

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