
On the example of the way of life and scientific work of P. Chubyns’kyy, the article raises the question of the role of the national-intellectual elite and its influence on the social and political life. The importance of the scientific heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, folklorist, ethnographer, poet and public figure Pavlo Chubyns’kyy is highlighted. It is emphasized that Pavlo Chubyns’kyy's scientific achievements became a model for many researchers in studying the national culture of Ukrainians and laid the foundation for Ukrainian studies. P. Chubyns’kyy was the bearer of national-cultural ideas and values of Ukrainians. It is noted that Chubyns’kyy is the author of the Ukrainian source fund of ethnography, folklore studies and jurisprudence. The scientist wrote a poem, which later became the National Anthem of Ukraine. It is concluded that the scientific value of his legacy is that for the first time, on the basis of complete and comprehensive studies, Pavlo Chubyns’kyy made a comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian people in all its manifestations - social, family, spiritual, cultural and linguistic contexts. P. Chubyns’kyy scientifically substantiated the integrity of Ukraine and the identity of the Ukrainian people. Pavlo Platonovych showed by his work the originality and richness of cultural heritage of Ukrainians, the uniqueness and beauty of the folk word. The scientific publication of Chubyns’kyy's "Proceedings of the Ethnographic-Statistical Expedition in the West-Russian Region" is the result of many years of titanic work. His public speeches, printed articles, substantiated scientific positions are capable of effectively influencing public opinion. After all, Chubyns’kyy belonged to the national-intellectual Ukrainian elite, who comprehended the greatness of folk culture and the uniqueness of the national life of Ukrainians. А real patriot could work so persistently and selflessly, a man of high culture and a civic position, enthralled with his idea. No wonder that his publications and publications became a model in scientific researches of the XIX century and are a huge contribution to the study of Ukrainian national culture. The scientist-Ukrainian connoisseur was aware of the value of what he was doing, and therefore his words were prophetic: "I will not waste my strength / And I will see my harvest." These words prove that he, with his life, professionalism, life position, sacrificed and persistently worked for the self-affirmation of Ukrainians as a self-sufficient nation with its unique culture and language. The great figure of Pavlo Chubyns’kyy, his life path, organizational skills, patriotism, scientific work is an example of the majestic figure of his time and a worthy representative of the Ukrainian national elite.

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