
The purpose of this work was to study foreign experience in pharmacy manufacture and quality control of medicinal preparations (MP). Scientific literature and internet sources analysis, the author's own observations from 2005 to 2020 were made. It has been established that pharmacy manufacture of MPs abroad is carried out for the special needs of patients when pharmaceutical industry cannot produce them for various reasons. There are various approaches to standardization of the number of manufacturing pharmacies abroad: from complete prohibition of pharmacy manufacture of medicinal preparations in Portugal to mandatory license requirement in Austria and Germany. To manufacture medicinal preparations at a pharmacy the laboratory is established where necessary equipment, inventory, pharmaceutical substances and excipients are placed and the technological process is carried out. Pharmacy manufacture of sterile medicinal preparations is conducted under aseptic conditions in a specially equipped room or in a laminar-airflow cabinet. MPs must not be registered in most countries of the world. In the US and the European Union (EU) medicinal preparations are classified into medicines for immediate use and for prolonged storage. Expiration date must be stated for prolonged storage medicinal preparations, a dossier is made for them in the EU pharmacies. Pharmacies in most countries of the world manufacture medicinal preparations from tablets and capsules. Much attention abroad is given to ensure the quality of pharmacy manufacture of medicinal preparations: in the US, pharmacy manufacture of medicinal preparations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Pharmacopoeia, in the EU according to the EU Council Resolution. A number of countries have developed guidelines or standard operational procedures for pharmacy manufacture of medicinal preparations. Constant training and assessment of employees’ competencies engaged in pharmacy manufacture of medicinal preparations is performed.

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