
Ophthalmopathy of prematurity (OP) was first described in 1942 by T. Terry and was named by him «Retrolental fibroplasia». Later, with the accumulation of knowledge, it became clear that retrolental fibroplasia is only the final stage of the process and in 1951 Parker Heath proposed the term «Retinopathy of prematurity» (ROP). The author of the presented material suggests the modern term «Ophthalmopathy of prematurity», is reflecting the most complete morphophysiological changes in the eye of a premature baby, giving the ophthalmologist an in-depth understanding and generalized study of this problem for the further development of full-fledged, adequate therapeutic and preventive measures. Focusing only on the processes in the retina and giving insufficient attention to a huge number of other manifestations of ROP significantly narrows the doctor’s thinking, reduces the objective assessment of changes in the eye and allows you to skip most of the unaccounted changes in the structures and functions of the eye, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of medical measures provided. Key words: ophthalmopathy of prematurity, retinopathy of prematurity, microphthalmos, corneal opacities, cataract, secondary glaucoma, dystrophy, partial atrophy of the optic nerve, fibrotic changes of the vitreous body.

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