
This study pays attention to the perspective fact that appropriate policy intervention can lead to improvement in the general adult's multicultural awareness in a situation where contact is limited, aims to empirically verify the effect of multicultural education, mass media, and multicultural activities, which are the main elements of multicultural acceptance enhancement policy, on multicultural acceptance. In addition, the mediating effect of multicultural activities, which is direct contact, in the relationship between multicultural education including mass media, which is indirect contact, and multicultural acceptance, was also examined. To this end, a statistical analysis was conducted on 4,993 general adults using the 2021 National Multicultural Acceptance Survey. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that multicultural education and multicultural activities each had a positive (+) effect on multicultural acceptance. In addition, in the causal relationship between multicultural education and multicultural acceptance, the partial mediating effect of multicultural activities, which is direct contact, was found. However, no statistically significant causal relationship was found in the relationship between mass media and multicultural acceptance. Through this, it was confirmed that multicultural education and multicultural activities act as major factors influencing multicultural acceptability, and that multicultural activities affect multicultural acceptability as an important link in the causal relationship between multicultural education and multicultural acceptability. Based on these analysis results, we proposed as follows; measures to overcome the limitations of contact, expansion of multicultural education, overall reexamination of mass media policies, and consideration of policies linking multicultural activities to multicultural education.

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