
The article considers the application of information and communication technologies in the professional training of future of physical training and sports masters in modern conditions. It is noted that informatization of higher education is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training. The main parameters for the classification of information and communication technologies used in the masters’ training are determined. The main distinctive features of e-learning and distance learning are analyzed. The purpose of the study is the application of information and communication technologies in the training of future physical training and sports masters in terms of modernity. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on certain issues, data comparison and generalization, comparison of different views on the research problem is used. Information and communication technologies used in the training of future PT and sports masters are: text editors, Power Point presentations, spreadsheets, online tests, Internet resources, training programs, multimedia dictionaries, electronic textbooks, distance learning, online competitions and contests, student research papers. The main directions that require additional research on the application of interactive learning technologies based on information tools are summarized. Information and communication technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process, solve the tasks set before the education institution to educate a comprehensively developed, creatively free personality. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem shows that in modern conditions of educational development the interest of scientists in information technologies, their didactic potential and possibilities of application in the field of physical education and sports is being growing.

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