
The relevance of the present study is due to the peculiarities of training of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies, who are required to know the fighting techniques and have the necessary level of special physical training. The protection of public order and public safety often requires the use of physical force in conditions of high fatigue. This necessitates the development of a comprehensive method of increasing physical endurance. The purpose of the present study is a comprehensive examination of the problems of improving physical endurance in the system of special applied physical training of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies, and the development of appropriate recommendations of a methodical nature. The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of methods of physical training of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies on the basis of the content of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 1, 2017 № 450 “On approval of the manual on the organization of physical training in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”, as well as monitoring of a group of subjects before and after the implementation of the proposed recommendations to improve a certain physical quality within three months. We pay attention to the order of working out a number of power qualities, such as flexion and extension of the arms in the emphasis lying (push-ups), flexion and extension of the arms in the vis on the crossbar (pull-up), press weights, as well as the method of performing exercises on speed, speed and agility, different types of shuttle running, a variety of distances. The novelty of the study is to combine exercises to improve physical endurance in a single complex, including exercises of multidirectional nature.

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