
Due to globalization processes in the modern society there is an urgent need to preserve and develop the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Today, the scientific understanding of the development of various types of Ukrainian creative activities is especially relevant. Among the variety of artistic genres, folk choreographic culture is a striking phenomenon. However, not only the government, but also scientific and educational institutions, choreographic ensembles of both professional and amateur levels should make efforts in order to preserve and develop folk choreographic traditions in the modern socio-cultural space.The problem of dance genres restoration, where the main focus is on preserving the national choreographic culture of the studied region, remains relevant today. The purpose of the article is to recreate a complete picture of functioning of folk dance art in Western Podillya in the course of its historical development and transformation. The beginning of the study of authentic Western Podillya dance genres dates back to second half of the XIX century. It indicates the way of life and style of some traditional dance genres in the territory of the studied region. In order to highlight the problem of restoration of the Western Podillya dance tradition, we briefly summarize the genre classification and its stylistic features. In order to reconstruct the dance tradition of the region, we have organized research work of the creative laboratory, which was created on the base of the Vesnyanka dance ensemble of the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. The structural and functional model of the activity of the ensemble-laboratory of Western Podillya ethnography in the form of a graphic image developed by us consists of two main blocks.The research has shown that due to the unity of content and form, the folk choreographic culture of Western Podillya influences the formation of personality and performs certain functions of socialization.


  • Due to globalization processes in the modern society there is an urgent need to preserve and develop the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people

  • In order to highlight the problem of restoration of the Western Podillya dance tradition, we briefly summarize the genre classification and its stylistic features

  • Що створення та діяльність ансамблю-лабораторії є ефективним засобом залучення молоді до науково-дослідницької роботи, що сприяє передачі танцювальних традицій Західного Поділля та надає можливість їх реконструкції в умовах сучасного функціонування хореографічних колективів

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Due to globalization processes in the modern society there is an urgent need to preserve and develop the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Актуальною на сьогодні залишається проблема реконструкції танцювальних зразків, де основна увага спрямована на збереження народної хореографічної культури досліджуваного регіону. Об’єктом даної наукової розвідки є народне мистецтво Західного Поділля, предметом дослідження виступає проблема реконструкції танцювальної традиції означеного регіону.

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