
The article describes a model for preventing deviant behavior among minors, which is being developed and implemented in the Sverdlovsk Region. The model presented is based on the concept of “Self-concept” as a relatively stable, to a greater or lesser degree perceived system of ideas of an individual about himself/herself, on the basis of which he/she treats him/herself and builds his/her interaction with other people. The purpose of the juvenile deviant behavior prevention model implementation is a steady decrease in the level of manifestation of such behavior and its early prevention. The basis for the confident achievement of this goal is the formation of a stable “Self-concept” in the juveniles. This model covers the period of personality formation from birth to adulthood and combines the efforts of parents, teachers, social workers and authorities in order to ensure the formation of personality with developed self-awareness, taking into account the need for intersystem and intradepartmental interaction, with mandatory monitoring of the effectiveness of goal achievement at all stages and timely corrective actions. Tools of prevention and early detection of juvenile behavioral disorders are early intervention services, advisory services, psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions, social-psychological testing. Thus, the model is equally aimed at working with minors at all stages of personality formation, as well as with parents and teachers directly involved in the process of personality formation. Herewith, for each of target groups within the limits of realization of the model the corresponding purposes and problems which solution provides controllable achievement of result are provided.

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