
Relevance In the process of extracting hydrocarbon raw materials, associated petroleum gas (APG) is released, which in itself is a valuable fuel. Previously, associated gas released during extraction was simply burned, which was irrational and harmful to the environment. However, in modern conditions, oil companies tend to use associated gas. One of the best available technologies for the utilization of associated petroleum gas and the generation of electric energy is the use of gas piston units (GPU) at oil and gas producing enterprises, which are widely used at the present time. Progress in design methods and production technology of electric machines is expressed, among other things, in increasing their reliability, however, it is obvious that it will not be possible to completely avoid failures. The problem of solving issues of assessing and ensuring the reliability of GPU used for the utilization of associated petroleum gas at oil-producing enterprises is becoming more and more urgent every year, since serious losses of an economic and environmental nature are associated with insufficient reliability: emergency stops of GPU lead to the shutdown of funds of oil-producing wells and forced burning of APG on an open-type candle with the release of a large amount of the amount of greenhouse gases. Aim of research To study the reliability of gas piston units based on the weight indicators of their elements (functional units). Research methods The research uses the hierarchy analysis method (Saaty method) and the «weakest link» method. Results The article uses a methodology for evaluating equipment reliability indicators based on the weight indicators of functional units, taking into account the importance of reliability criteria. The node weight is calculated using the hierarchy analysis method (Saaty method). In accordance with the proposed methodology, the probability of trouble-free operation of the considered machines for the period of normal operation is calculated. Conclusions are drawn about the prioritization of technical impact on functional elements.

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