
Sociological measurement of social indicators determining the degree of satisfaction of citizens with the state of interethnic relations, the level of general civil identity, as well as the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens, is an important tool for assessing and preventing social conflicts (including potential ones) on the interethnic and interfaith grounds. Based on a large-scale questionnaire survey and a series of focus-group studies of residents of the region, as well as a series of expert interviews with the specialists, we presented analysis of the state of interethnic relations in the Khabarovsk territory. It was established that in general, with a conflict-free state of interethnic relations in the Khabarovsk territory, a certain potential for conflict and tension was revealed. It actualizes the need to implement the more effective policy of ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia in the region as a tool for harmonizing interethnic relations. It is advisable to place special emphasis on improving information work both with the population of the region as a whole and with young people, in particular. Separately, analysis of the social and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens in the assessments of local residents was carried out. Certain potential for conflict is associated with the rejection of a part of population of the behavioral characteristics of labor migrants. In general, the results of comprehensive sociological study can be used by the regional and local authorities to take into account the preparation and implementation of programs and projects aimed at strengthening civil peace and harmony, harmonizing interethnic relations and ethno-cultural development of the local residents.

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