
In the article are discussed scientific research on the theory of significance of combat forces and the activity process in terms of nature, structure and concept of command and control readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern warfare in the system of military education today and their practical importance in the formation of knowledge, skills and competencies of command and control readiness of future officers. The command and control readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the educational process of command and control training of the military form the basis for the formation of a high military professionalism, which has the following components: system of professional knowledge and skills in military unit management, training and education of the subordinate personnel; system of behavioural skills; system of moral and psychological skills. This research article theoretically defines the command and control readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the modern conditions of warfare and its practical importance for the officers when they perform socially important professional duties. To formulate command and control readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the modern warfare, the scientific article practically defines the importance of creating a professionally-oriented educational environment at military educational institutions and military facilities. The importance of creating a professionally oriented educational environment in higher military educational institutions and military training units of higher education institutions. Command and control readiness of an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine implies the presence of the appropriate level of physical health, formation and development of physical qualities necessary for successful professional activity, the presence of the appropriate level of physical culture of the person. This is obvious, because any professional activity of military service personnel requires that a particular level of application of physical strength by the person, physical energy is associated with the expenditure of not only mental but also physical energy in the process of fulfilling their professionally significant duties both in peacetime and in warfare. The future officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the formation of command and control readiness in the process of training in higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education institutions must be trained in the general theoretical foundations of the disciplines, the main goal of the program is to provide the students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their command and control training, scientific, methodological, organizational and pedagogical skills.

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