
The objectives of the study are to examine the radiation and health physics situation in the area of ship repair enterprises servicing ships with nuclear power installation; to assess its possible impact on the environment and the population. Materials and research methods. The study of radiation and health physics situation on the territory was conducted by walking gamma survey using portable gamma spectrometric complexes MKS-01A "Multirad-gamma" and MKS-AT6101C. Gamma-spectrometric and radiochemical methods of analysis were used to determine the specific activity of man-made and natural radionuclides in environmental samples. Results of the study and their analysis. Practical medical and hygienic measures to study the radiation and health physics situation were carried out in 2019. It was found that the ambient equivalent dose rate in the areas of ship repair enterprises is at the level of regional values and does not exceed 0.12 μSv/h. Radionuclide specific activity in the soil of the surveyed areas does not exceed 4.5 Bq/kg — for 90Sr and 12 Bq/kg — for 137Cs, which does not exceed the established norms for unrestricted use of solid materials. Radionuclide content in the sea water samples taken in the area of closed administrative territorial unit Krasheninnikov Bay does not exceed on average: for 137Cs — 7 mBq/L, for 90Sr — 2.1 mBq/L. When comparing the results obtained with the official data on the radionuclide content in the water of Avacha Bay (90Sr up to 2.08 mBq/L at the annual average of 1.14 mBq/L), we may state that they are at the same level as the regional ones. Radionuclide content in bottom sediment samples varies within the following limits: for 137Cs — from 0.14 to 3 Bq/kg, for 90Sr — from 0.11 to 1.5 Bq/kg and is similar to the general values for soil samples. Thus, the radiation and health physics characteristics of the study area vary little and remain practically at the level of the results of studies conducted in 2014-2015. The content of man-made radionuclides in the samples of environmental objects is at the level of average values typical for the region. Potentially radiation-hazardous works carried out in 2019 at enterprises of closed administrative territorial unit Vilyuchinsk had no reliable radiation impact on the environment and population.


  • The study of radiation and health physics situation on the territory was conducted by walking gamma survey using portable gamma spectrometric complexes MKS-01A "Multirad-gamma" and MKSAT6101C

  • Gamma-spectrometric and radiochemical methods of analysis were used to determine the specific activity of man-made and natural radionuclides in environmental samples

  • В заключение можно констатировать, что радиационно-гигиеническая обстановка в районе расположения закрытого административно-территориального образования (ЗАТО) г.Вилючинск – в целом удовлетворительная

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На территории ЗАТО располагаются 2 предприятия: Акционерное общество «Северо-Восточный ремонтный центр» (АО СВРЦ) и Центр по обращению с радиоактивными отходами – отделение Вилючинск Дальневосточного центра по обращению с радиоактивными отходами – филиала ФГУП «Федеральный экологический оператор» (отделение Вилючинск ДВЦ «ДальРАО» – филиала ФГУП ФЭО). [Электронный ресурс]: URL: https://сврц.рф/ (дата обращения 19.10.2020 г.). – мощности амбиентного эквивалента дозы гамма- новной относительной погрешности измерений МАЭД Отбор проб объектов окружающей среды проводил- 3 МэВ; диапазон измерений мощности амбиентного экся в соответствии с нормативными документами и мето- вивалента дозы фотонного излучений – от 0,03 до 150 дическими указаниями7–10.

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