
The article deals with the study of relations concerning the military property management as a kind of administrative and legal relations. It is proved that in the Armed Forces of Ukraine property relations, as well as any other relations have an administrative and organizational component. It is determined that the distinguishing feature of property relations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the administration of the participants behavior in such relations and the predominance of organizational and subordinate powers in the legal regulation of military property relations. The main distinguishing criteria of administrative from other types of legal relations that arise in the field of military property management are their features, which are most evident in the specifics of structural elements: content and object, and in some cases – subjects. It is proved that administrative and legal relations concerning military property can be classified based on the criteria of their relation to the administrative and legal regime of military property. According to this criterion, the following types are distinguished: administrative and legal relations concerning the registration and write-off of military property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; administrative and legal relations concerning the military property inventory in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; administrative and legal relations regarding the alienation of military property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; administrative and legal relations regarding the utilization of military property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main difficulties that arise in the field of militaryproperty management, which are related to the "human factor" and in general lead to two scenarios: 1) unequal distribution of property by higher-level governing bodies; 2) insufficient quality of performance of their duties by some officials, and better – by others. It is proposed to resolve such difficulties by reviewing the process of selecting candidates for positions with a high level of liability; development of advisers and manuals for materially responsible officers, periodic organization of trainings for them to improve the efficiency of military property management, and transfer quantitative, qualitative and timely control over such property into automated management systems.

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