
Evaluation of quality of functioning court refers to innovation in the judicial system of Ukraine, which in turn acts as a basis the quality management system and the efficiency of justice. One of the modules evaluation of judgment is a method of Citizen Report Cards. It is an instrument that can determine the quality of court performance through subjective assessments trial persons who are its direct participants. In addition, it is actually a form of public monitoring of the quality of the judicial system. The essence of the methodology is the use of criteria (quality standards) and indicators, empirical measurements that reveal as we approach the practice of a specific court with certain quality standards, all of which give an idea of what should be a perfect court, thatcourt, which fully implemented basic legal values of a democratic society.Methodology Citizen Report Cards is based on the use of traditional scientific methods of sociological research survey, but has its own specific features. First, the sample of respondents. In contrast to traditional sociological poll methodology CRC covers only those respondents who have experience with a particular court. Second, simplicity and ease of completing the questionnaire. As used questionnaire Citizen Report Card. The key elements to form questionnaire is evaluation criteria and indicators. Measurements show certain quality standards in the operation of the court, the meaning of which is to determine the expectations of the judicial activities in a democratic society. Thirdly, efficiency in conducting the survey. To form an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of a court (in terms of its visitors) quantitative sampling may be relatively small. Fourth, there is a special presentation of the results. The obtained results during the study court performance – measurementsand evaluation indicators – can be analyzed based approach to building generalized assessments. Fifth, practical orientation, which is the possibility of using the results in specific court administration and judicial system as a whole.The effectiveness and usefulness of the method Citizen Report Cards was confirmed during the first phase of polls in the Ukrainian courts, which was carried out in 2008–2009. NGOs with the assistance of USAID «Ukraine: Rule of Law” and gained improvement in the implementation of the second, third and fourth stage (2009-2015). The methodology of survey participants in the proceedings of court performance is fully consistent with the objectives of the new strategy of the judicial system in Ukraine in 2015–2020 years, approved by the Council of Judges of Ukraine December 11, 2014. April 2, 2015 the Council of Judges of Ukraine adopted a framework decision № 28 of the assessmentsystem court evaluation, which recommended to carry out every three yearssurvey of court visitors including the method citizen report cards.

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