
The work aims to identify the features of professional self-actualization of university students – future secondary school teachers in connection with the development of the non-verbal component of their social intelligence. The paper describes the process of conducting a study consisting of the theoretical and the empirical stages and oriented towards achieving the specified aim. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the nonlinear nature of the relationships between the features of professional self-actualization of future teachers and the level of development of the non-verbal component of their social intelligence. As a result, the work has shown that the majority of future teachers have an average level of development of socio-perceptual abilities (the non-verbal component of social intelligence) and an average level of self-actualization. Concerning university students – future secondary school teachers, self-actualization and the level of development of the non-verbal component of their social intelligence are interrelated, but these relationships are nonlinear. Teachers with the low level of socio-perceptual abilities have less pronounced components of self-actualization, such as time orientation, values and creativity (compared with teachers with both high and medium levels of socio-perceptual abilities).

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